If you enjoy baking and creating you may make extra money in this economy cake decorating. Many people are very busy working and do not have time to bake and decorate a cute, fun or beautiful cake.
You can decorate themed cakes for children. Draw the faces of characters on the cake with the frosting or you can turn the entire cake into a character’s face and head. For instance, for the Sesame Street character make the cake the shape of Elmo’s head. To make Elmo’s fur take your cake pastry bag and put the frosting on the cake and pull up. The frosting will have a 3-D effect as if it is fur.
For toddlers you may want to make a train cake. You will need a very large cookie sheet to put the train on. Use small loaf baking pans to create the train cars. Decorate each train car with candy such as M & M’s, gummy bears, licorice, jelly beans, etc. You can use black licorice to make a train track on the cookie sheet. Or form the licorice train track inside a very large cake box for your customer.
Make a personalized cake for the lucky person. For example, if a man absolutely loves pizza and practically lives on it, his girlfriend may order a cake that looks like a pizza. Other sports and hobbies make great cakes such as a football, soccer ball, fish, bowling ball, scrapbook page, etc.
You can make money cake decorating by making a guitar cake for teenagers since the Guitar Hero video game is very popular.
Anniversary cakes you can make into beautiful masterpieces with tasty frosting flowers. For something unique you can bake two cakes and use the number of years the couple has been married as their anniversary cake. For instance, if a couple has been married for forty years, bake a four and a five. Decorate white with two colors for the flowers the customer chooses.
Once you feel very comfortable making cakes, you can offer to make wedding cakes for couples.
Make your own business cards on the computer, advertise with brochures and/or flyers, send out e-mails to family and friends to get the word out you are in the cake decorating business.
You can make money cake decorating by selling holiday cakes, picnic and party cakes, etc.
For more information please visit: http://www.preparednessmentor.com/ .
For more information please visit: http://www.preparednessmentor.com/ .
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