If you are invited to birthday parties, celebrate anniversaries, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, etc., you probably want to give a card and a gift. People will understand if you do not want to spend a lot. There are plenty of heartfelt gifts you can give for $5.00 and under. People do not expect you to spend a fortune on their special day, they are happy that you remembered. The old saying is true, "It is the thought that counts."
Gift Giving Ideas:
Make a coupon book for a friend or spouse to use. For example, get some construction paper and cut it with a fancy scrapbook scissors if you have one. Staple it together or use a hole punch and then tie the coupon book together with a pretty ribbon. On each piece of construction paper write a gift ticket. Some examples:
Make a coupon book for a friend or spouse to use. For example, get some construction paper and cut it with a fancy scrapbook scissors if you have one. Staple it together or use a hole punch and then tie the coupon book together with a pretty ribbon. On each piece of construction paper write a gift ticket. Some examples:
I will baby-sit one Friday or Saturday night so you and your spouse can go out for dinner and drinks.
Good for one dog walk (if you live close by).
Good for one car wash-- hand washed by me.
Good for one day of shopping at the mall together.
Good for one shoulder to cry on.
Coupons can be redeemed anytime needed.
Another idea is to use a jar at home and fill with pieces of cut paper (the amount of years you have been married) on reasons you love your spouse. If you were married thirty years, than you will write up thirty reasons on a separate piece of paper on why you love your spouse. Your spouse will love the thought and reading the little pieces of notepaper created by you.
Anniversary Gift
A caring anniversary gift to be enjoyed by your spouse, significant other or another couple is a homemade spaghetti dinner. Use a clean gift basket you have in storage at home. Buy an inexpensive red and white checkered towel or other design and line the bottom of the basket. Buy two long candles and a single long-stemmed rose. Purchase spaghetti noodles. Make some homemade spaghetti sauce. If you can afford it, buy a nice bottle of red wine that is not too expensive. The gift recipients will love this idea and enjoy a romantic candle lit dinner courtesy of your thoughtfulness.
There are many ways you can give gifts in a difficult economy. For more information please visit: http://www.preparednessmentor.com/.
A caring anniversary gift to be enjoyed by your spouse, significant other or another couple is a homemade spaghetti dinner. Use a clean gift basket you have in storage at home. Buy an inexpensive red and white checkered towel or other design and line the bottom of the basket. Buy two long candles and a single long-stemmed rose. Purchase spaghetti noodles. Make some homemade spaghetti sauce. If you can afford it, buy a nice bottle of red wine that is not too expensive. The gift recipients will love this idea and enjoy a romantic candle lit dinner courtesy of your thoughtfulness.
There are many ways you can give gifts in a difficult economy. For more information please visit: http://www.preparednessmentor.com/.
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