If you have been a stay-at-home mother maybe now you want to earn extra money working part-time. Or maybe you are a college student who is taking classes but would like to work part-time. Whatever your situation is, you can supplement your income by job sharing.
Many places are hiring employees part-time versus full-time these days. The reason is so that two part-time employees do not get the benefits such as paid holidays, little or no vacation days or sick time, insurance, etc. This method of hiring saves the employer a fortune.
To find a suitable job to share, you may check the school system. You can find teacher’s aide positions that are job shared. One person may work in the mornings and the second person in the afternoon. You may need to be flexible if the other employee needs to switch times once in awhile. You and the other employee will need to keep a notebook and a basket for some type of communication to stay organized. This will help you to learn what has or has not been done during the hours you did not work. By knowing what is going on, you can better help the students and the teacher who you are helping.
Another type of job sharing to earn extra money is office work. You may work at the receptionist’s desk, as an administrative assistant or even in an office at a bank. It is always important to take notes so you can share them with the person who is taking over for you in the afternoon or following morning. By doing this, things in the office will keep running smoothly.
Think of the type of work you would like to do part-time and you may even want to offer the suggestion to the hiring employer about job sharing to earn extra money while saving the company extra money.
For more information on job sharing to earn extra money, please visit www.preparednessmentor.com.
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