One of my friends got a divorce and desperately wanted to keep her gorgeous house on five acres. She was now the sole owner of the house and had to take over the high mortgage. Not only did she have the mortgage to pay, she had to pay her ex-husband a share of the equity in the house. Talk about a stressful situation.
My friend had a full-time job that paid well. Still this job was not enough. She decided to part-time bartend and make extra cash three nights a week. She was pleasantly surprised how much money she brought home in tips. I was shocked as the bar she worked at was not fancy at all; in fact, I’d say it is somewhat of a dive. Although a lot of people do come to this establishment so more drinks ordered, means more tips for her.
She made $80.00 per night in tips. My friend then met a man who became her boyfriend. She started working at a different bar that served food. Now her tips were ranging $100.00 to $150.00 per night! Working three nights per week really added to her wages. She happily kept her house and paid off her ex-husband in two years.
You can part-time bartend and make extra cash, too. If you like people, most bars will let you train on the job. Once you are trained you can always go to a high class establishment and make even more tips, especially if food is served along with the drinks that are ordered.
Who knows you may even make more money bartending than you do at your current job. In the end you may quit your 9:00 to 5:00 job and enjoy bartending.
For more information on part-time bartending to make extra cash, please visit http://www.preparednessmentor.com/.