You can make a great amount of money raking or mulching leaves. Before the winter months hit your state get out and advertise your new business. There are many people that are just too busy to rake and mulch their leaves. There are elderly people that want to stay living in their homes and cannot do their yard preparation before the winter months hit.
All you will need is a rake, a leaf blower if you prefer to use one, an extension cord if needed for the leaf blower and if you already have a riding lawnmower with the mulching option you will get through the jobs in a matter of minutes! If you have the lawnmower make sure you bring extra gasoline cans of gas in case you have acres of lawn to mulch. You do not want to be right in the middle of a job and have to run to the gas station to get more gas. It would be a huge bummer if you were out in the boonies and you ran out of gas. You would waste money having to search for the closest gas station.
You may want to offer gift certificates for people to purchase so people can get your service for birthday gifts, anniversary gifts, Christmas gifts, etc. With Christmas coming, now is the perfect time to advertise your raking and mulching of leaves.
Advertise your business by making an eye catching sign to hang up at your local grocery store, discount stores, gas stations, Laundromat, etc. Make up business cards so you can hand them out at a moments notice.
Once you land your first two jobs and do a fantastic job, before you know it you will most likely have loads of jobs from word of mouth.
For more information on how to make money raking and mulching leaves, please visit
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