Who says money doesn’t talk? If you have the cash you may be able to get a bargain. If you are looking to purchase big ticket items such as a living room set or fifty inch flat screen television, take your cash to the store. In these tough economic times you may be able to wheel and deal with stores. From the stores perspective, a discounted sale is better than no sale at all.
Two years ago I tried this pay cash to get deals theory with my husband and bought a vehicle for less cash. We walked into the dealer as we knew which vehicle we wanted to purchase ahead of time. (Sundays are a great way to shop ahead of time with no salesmen around trying to get your attention.)
When the salesman met us, he asked us what we were looking for. We described the vehicle we wanted but nothing too pricey. Lo and behold he led us to the vehicle we wanted. We did not act excited but let him know that we liked the vehicle. We knew what the sticker price was ahead of time. We purposely brought a lesser amount of cash along with us. (This way we would not get sucked into falling for any sales tactics and later regret it.) When the dealing part came at the desk we told him what we could spend and we had the cash right in our wallets. Of course, the salesman went to “the boss” to discuss our situation.
The salesman actually came out and accepted our cash offer. We were elated!
Granted, not everyone will have cash to purchase a vehicle but smaller ticket items you may. It is worth a shot. Just be careful to safely keep your cash with you at all times. Now is not the time to leave your purse where someone easily can take it.
For more information on how to pay cash to get deals, please visit: http://www.preparednessmentor.com/.
*Check your state laws to make sure it is legal to be on the car lot "window shopping" on Sundays.
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