In this economic climate you want to keep your customers happy. You can keep your customers happy by treating them well on the phone, by letter correspondence if needed and in person. Customers know they can find someone else to pay to help them with the service you are providing. Competition for customers can get stiff.
Another way to keep your customers happy is to give a thoughtful gift that shows you care and that you are thankful for their business. You do not have to spend a fortune to let your customers know you are thinking of them.
Some gift ideas include a paperweight with their business logo, last name or even your business name on it.
An excellent choice on a customer gift is to give a clear Christmas ornament with your business logo engraved. Your customer will think of you year after year when he or she hangs your lovely ornament on the tree. The customer will hang your ornament on their home tree or the Christmas tree that is put up each year at the office. Next Christmas when you are out shopping or running other errands, look at businesses offices. From doctors, dentists, lawyers, car dealers, schools, to factories, all types of businesses put up a Christmas tree.
You may want to run promotions and invite your customers to your place of business depending on what business you are in. For instance, a physician’s office may want to have an open house with wine, soda, cheese, crackers, grapes, coffee, tea and cookies. Show your patient’s and potential patients your clinic. Just about any business can offer this type of open house to mingle with customers.
For more information on your business and how to keep your customers happy, please visit: http://www.preparednessmentor.com/.
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