Most people are pinching pennies at this time. When pinching pennies the first thing to go is your entertainment spending. You and your family still need to get together and have some fun.
Think like the olden days. You and your family can have fun turning off the television and spending time together. Take turns reading a spooky story to each other. Or create a story together. One person can start; the next person continues the story and so on. Play board games together. Make thoughtful cards together for family, friends, soldiers and a nursing home. All of these fun things will bring you as a family closer together.
When meeting your friends why not do a round robin? One person has the drinks at their house, the next person has the hors d' oeuvres, the third person has the main meal, and the last person has the dessert.
If you and your friends live too far away to drive to each other’s homes, you could invite your friends over for dinner and a movie or games. If you plan on watching a movie together, you can try to plan your meal around the movie’s theme. Example: The movie Scarface with Al Pacino. Make a hearty Italian meal with salad, lasagna, garlic bread, wine and a surprise Italian dessert. You can cook the main part of the dinner and everyone else can bring the rest of the food. One person brings a snack, two or three people bring the side dishes and the last person brings dessert.
If you are not planning on watching a movie together, after dinner you can all play Wii games if you have the Wii system. What fun to go bowling, play tennis, lawn darts, go golfing, play trivia, etc. You all will have so much fun laughing and getting exercise at the same time. Also, the Wii even has a game called Scarface and if you have it, you can all try your hand at it.
It is important to still have fun with family and friends even if you have barely any money to spend. Life is not all about work and worrying about money to pay your bills. Everyone needs to laugh and have a good time to stay healthy.
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